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Merraine Group and Berkshire Farm Center: A Partnership for the Future of Youth and Family

David Gantshar, President of Merraine Group

In a world where headlines often focus on what’s broken, it’s refreshing to see organizations like Merraine Group and Berkshire Farm Center, who are actively creating positive change, especially for at-risk youth and their families. Their partnership is more than an alliance; it’s a model for how to make a meaningful difference. The formula is simple but impactful: the right worker plus the right playbook equals transformative outcomes.

Berkshire is all about enabling kids to grow and change for the better. The organization invests heavily in services that directly benefit children and communities. “We’re always in the field, figuring out how to support kids and families right where they are,” explains Brian Parchesky, President and CEO of Berkshire. It’s not just about having a range of services; it’s about engaging with kids in their home communities in a meaningful and safe way. Their approach is evidence-based, but it’s the human element—the therapeutic relationship between the worker and the family—that’s the real game-changer.

“Trust is everything,” Brian emphasizes. “The kids need to see the worker as more than just a professional; they need to see them as a mentor or coach – as someone who genuinely cares.” Of course, evidence-based practices guide their work, but Brian is clear: “What really drives change is the people involved in these kids’ lives.”

On the other side of this equation is Merraine Group, a recruiting and consulting firm focused on health, education, and human services.  “What Merraine does—looks to us like magic,” says Brian. Over the past four years, Merraine has placed more than 350 individuals in crucial roles within Berkshire, ranging from youth care workers to senior executives. 

“What makes both Merraine and Berkshire synergistic are our shared values,” David Gantshar, President of Merraine Group mentions. “Many on our team have backgrounds similar to the children Berkshire serves, providing them a sensitivity to the issues both youth and staff face.  Some have experienced trauma first-hand while others have a deep-rooted desire to create change.” This emotional connection is the special aspect that allows Merraine to find candidates who have both the skills and the heart for the job.

When it comes to finding the perfect fit for Berkshire, Merraine Group isn’t just tossing résumés on a desk; they’re conducting a symphony of sorts. David Gantshar, Alfred Hankins and the entire team have an uncanny ability to understand precisely the type of candidate Berkshire needs. “It’s like they’ve got this sixth sense about who we’re looking for. Merraine is a real asset to our organization,” says Brian.

Merraine leverages cutting-edge tools and technology but places a unique emphasis on personality and character traits—factors that are vital when dealing with vulnerable youth and families. “They’ve been doing this for 22 years, and you can tell,” Brian adds. The firm goes beyond the surface, digging deep to understand candidates’ motivations. By the time a potential new hire is presented to Berkshire, Merraine has already made an internal decision that this person is ready to hit the ground running.

And it’s not just about skills; it’s about commitment. When Merraine presents a candidate, they’re already convinced this person will thrive in Berkshire’s culture and mission. “Their process isn’t just about filling roles; it’s about finding the right people for our cause, which makes all the difference.”

Alfred Hankins, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Merraine, adds: “It’s not just about filling jobs; it’s about matching the right person to each unique service line and community that Berkshire serves.”

Brian Parchesky, President and CEO of Berkshire

Together, Merraine and Berkshire have made tangible impacts. This past year alone, they’ve expanded staffing in foster care services, family preservation services, behavioral health services, detention services, and group home programming to support over 8,000 children and families across the state. “These aren’t just numbers; these are real lives being transformed.” 

“The fact that we’re always asking, ‘What’s next? How can we do better?’ has really helped us grow,” Brian shares. “Since Merraine has been involved, we’ve gone from 500 to 750 people on our team and seen a 34% bump in revenue. But let’s be clear: it’s not about the money. The real win is when revenue increases, it means more services were provided which in turn means a greater, positive impact was made in the lives of children and families.”

The future looks bright for this dynamic partnership. Plans are in place to expand into even more communities and tackle the evolving challenges facing today’s youth. “Unmet needs mean there’s more work ahead,” says Brian. “But together, we’re shaping the future for communities across New York State.”

In the end, it’s not just about the right worker and the right playbook; it’s about the right outcome. For Merraine and Berkshire, that formula translates to shared values and a dedication to improving lives—one child, one family, and one community at a time.

To join Merraine’s and Berkshire’s mission, visit https://www.berkshirefarm.org/ or www.merrainesocialservices.com.  For more information on how you can help these efforts, please email:  info@merraine.com

Font: New York Tech